Sunday, November 23, 2008

atikah n tik

huh.. l0ng time n0 see !
( hey,, it's 0nly 3 days, atikah. h0w can u said that it's a l0ng time??)
huh, nevermind. this bl0g is mine. s0, it's depends 0n me t0 update or n0t.. when or where, right? d0 i myself clear?
frankly, i p0ured every single things in my head t0 this bl0g as if it's my diary.. yet, this bl0g's used t0 express my th0ught, feelings 0r whats0ever..huh.. well,, i'm n0t writing th0se p0sts f0r my essay or s0methin' . even, it's obviously seen that, i'm n0 good in english..
what i'm talkin' ab0ut? s0 ridicul0us..huh!!

n0w, i really d0n't kn0w what i'm g0ing to write..
i'm lacking of ideas..huu.. just n0w, i've said:

"i p0ured every single things in my head t0 this bl0g"

s0, d0es it mean that my head's empty?? erk.. what the heck!!
st0p talking rubbish atikah.. (0pps, i mean, writing)

this evening,, i 0pened my drawer n saw my old m0torola handph0ne.. it's my 1st handph0ne, (present fr0m my late father). i didn't t0uch it f0r periods 0f time. kind 0f. s0, i decided t0 disc0ver s0methin' inside it. just l0oking f0r sweet mem0ries, perhaps.. huks!! after charging,put my sim card in it.. (huh, h0w detail!) read 0ld messages. m0stly fr0m fiq n seeha.. at that time, we're kinda nerd.. they call me , "atikah".. haha.. can you imagine it? but n0w,, that "atikah" turns t0 be "tik".. it's just like math. simplify or fact0rise, perhaps! haks.. w0ndering, is that "tik" can be sh0rtened? haha..

n0 m0re.. d0ne!!

omg, kawaii!!

p/s: i h0pe i'll be like Samantha Sweeting. i mean, the 0riginal her. her time's measured in six- minute segments. she made full-use 0f every single minute. she's w0rking all the time. every six minutes 0f her time w0rth m0ney, u kn0w..

and i am 100% / c0mpletely different fr0m her!! aiy0yo..
wh0's Samantha?? well,, she's a lawyer in Carter Spink.. actually,, she's only fr0m a n0vel,, hak~

Bye happy ciao, au revoir!


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