Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A story

This is quite long. I'm touched by this short story. Even today's not father's day but i feel sooo @#$%^&* I know I can't write a good article like this, but i think it's good to share even it's not from myself. For those who have time, do read this~

Ciumlah Ayah Sebelum Yang Terakhir

Di hantar oleh : hafiey_ieyzar
Editor : arisHa27

Ayah aku meninggal 5 Ogos 2002 pada jam 3. 25pm. Perkara yang aku tuliskan di sini adalah untuk mereka yang masih lagi mempunyai orang tersayang, untuk terus menyayangi dan berjasa sebelum menyesal.

Kematian abah amat meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam apatah lagi meninggalkan emak yang kesorangan. Anak-anak semua dah dewasa dan berkerja jauh. Hidup ini seolah tiada erti. Selama nie setiap suka duka pasti akan dimaklumkan pada emak dan abah. Kalau naik gaji atau dapat keputusan bagus pasti mereka mereka dimaklumkan sepaya mereka gembira. Kalau boleh mahu terus berada di Perak menemani mak yang terus menangis.

Syukur, abah meninggal dalam pelukan mak yang mengucap dua kalimah syahadah di telinga kirinya dan aku ketika itu mengucap ditelinga kanannya. Ini adalah kali pertama aku melihat saat kematian. Masih terbayang abah memandang jauh kehadapan dan matanya ke atas sambil mengucap dan memejamkan mata. Sungguh cepat dan tenang, semoga roh abah ditempatkan bersama golongan yang beriman.

Syukur solat jenazah abah lebih dari seratus orang. Syukur abah dikebumikan dengan selamat. Sejam sebelum kematian aku sempat berbual dengan abah. Abah kata kalau nak beli kereta tunggulah 2005. Bila time AFTA nanti kereta honda jatuh harga. Boleh lah bawak emak berjalan-jalan.

Waktu tu abah dah sihat dan sudah ada selera makan. Selepas itu, abah suruh pergi buat kad pengenalan baru pada esok hari. Sebab abah dan emak baru sahaja buat kad pengenalan baru kelmarin. Abah kata hanya memakan masa sehari sahaja dan tidak perlu ambil gambar dekat kedai gambar kerana pejabat pendaftaran sudah mengunakan digital kamera.

Abah kata jangan pakai baju putih kerana nanti gambar tidak jelas. Tetapi tidak sangka keesokan harinya aku pergi ke sana bukannya untuk membuat kad pengenalan baru, sebaliknya untuk membuat sijil kematian abah.

Apabila Izrail datang mengambil nyawa kita tidak boleh menpercepat atau melengahkannya walaupun sesaat. Sampai sekarang masih terbayang keadaan abah di masa tu. Seakan tidak percaya abah hanya melihat ke atas dan menututup mata. Badannya tidak bergoyang walau seinci. Abah cuma hendak baring sambil mulut mengucap dua kalimah syahadah.

Pertama kali aku pergi ke rumah mayat jenazah, pertama kali naik van jenazah, pertama kali aku membuat sijil kematian, pertama kali tidak tidur dua hari, pertama kali asyik menangis, pertama kali menimbus kubur, pertama kali menjirus air mawar, semuanya pertama kali. Dan pertama kali juga aku tidak akan berjumpa abah lagi.

Aku memandikan abah dan memasangkan kain ihram sebagai kain kapan. Ketika ditutup muka abah, aku mencium dahi, pipi kanan, pipi kiri, dan bangun. Namun, tiba-tiba hati aku ingin terus mencium abah lagi. Aku membongkokkan kaki dan mencium dahi abah semula. Ciuman ini adalah ciuman terakhir. Semasa kecil aku selalu cium abah. Tetapi apabila sudah dewasa sudah lama aku tidak mencium pipinya.

Aku dan abang mengangkat jenazah abah dan mengebumikannya. Hati ini sayu mengenangkan pemergian abah yang tercinta. Mak hanya memandang dengan air mata sayu, penglihatannya kosong. Setelah 36 tahun hidup bersama abah kini tinggal seorang. Selaku seorang anak, aku tahu bagaimana kasih seorang abah. Abah seorang pendiam, sabar dan alim. Jemaah masjid, bendahari masjid dan pelbagai amanah kebajikan dilakukannya.

Aku selama ini tidak pernah meluahkan kasih kepada abah secara terus terang. Memang aku sayang abah cuma dengan abah aku hormat dan memendam kasihku. Lainnya pula dengan emak yang sentiasa berterus terang dan seringkali tidur di peha. Kelmarin, aku baca dairi abah. Tidak sangka abah pun tulis diari. Tiada perkara di dalam dairi itu melainkan perkara tentang anak-anaknya . Semuanya berkisar tentang anak-anaknya.

Aku sendiri tak ingat bila aku membeli kereta tetapi abah catat 18 February: Rizal beli kereta satria hijau 1.6. Abah catat setiap kali anaknya telefon beserta waktunya. Sekali tu jam 1.00 pagi aku telefon dari KL dan terdapat juga dalam catatan abah. Semuanya abah catat berkenaan anaknya. Abah catat Rizal balik jam 2.00 tengahari bawa keropok. Abah catat Kak Se keguguran. Abah catat Shaifol, abangku yang sulung ke KL. Menangis kami semua apabila membaca dairi abah.

Abah sayang anaknya tetapi tidak pernah tunjuk sebab abah lebih suka mendiamkan diri dan tidak bercakap pasal orang. Begitu juga dengan orang lain, abah hanya banyak bercakap pasal ilmu agama dan berkenaan anak-anaknya sahaja. Ada kawan kampung abah baru-baru ni cakap;

"Abah kamu masa hidup salu cakap pasal anaknye. Sorang keje sana sorang keje sini. Dia bangga ada macam korang".

Tapi jauh di sudut hati aku, aku masih terkilan sebab aku selalu fikir yang aku bukan anak yang baik. Abah memang suka tulis. Kalau fail atau dokumen pasal kereta, rumah, bil, kedai dan lain-lain memang semua tersusun. Aku terjumpa buku nota kuliah subuh abah yang terbaru. catatan terakhir yang abah tulis "hati orang beriman sentiasa ingat kubur". Abah gariskan perkataan ingat kubur dan kami bersyukur bahawa abah sememangnya telah bersiap sedia untuk meninggal. Dan menyerahkan kepada Allah untuk melepaskan seksaan di kubur dan api neraka.

Abah memang suka budak kecil. Pantang berjumpa anak kecil pasti di dukungnya, bawa berjalan-jalan. Cucu-cucunya setiap kali balik pasti hendak tidur bersamanya. Kini semuanya sudah tiada. Ya Allah, aku tidak tahu bagaimana kehidupan ini untuk diteruskan tanpa abah. Aku baru bercadang hendak balik dan bertekad bonus tahun ini akan ku berikan abah dan emak masing-masing seribu ringgit. Tetapi Allah lebih menyayangginya. Abah meninggal 5hb tidak sempat merasai bonus pertama anaknya yang baru masuk pada 10hb Ogos 2002.

Tidak sangka bonusku digunakan untuk majlis tahlil dan batu nisan untuk abah. Tok Imam ada memberitahu kepada kami;

"Kubur ayah dikorek selepas itu ditanam tetapi tanahnya masih penuh dekat tepi. Terlebih, tandanya seorang yang pemurah. Sedangkan ada sesetengah kubur dikorek pastu ditimbus semula masih tidak cukup tanah."

"Abah kamu wajahnya senyum walaupun sudah meninggal"

"Abah kamu waktu dimandikan dah bersih. Tidak ada kotor, najis pun tidak ada"

Perkara itulah menyedapkan hati kami. Aku solat Jumaat minggu sudah di Masjid. Aku memulangkan semula duit masjid dan buku akaun yang abah pegang selaku bendahari. Sambil mengira kutipan Jumaat hari itu tok imam dan bilal turut menangis.

"Dulu abah kau yang tolong kira pastu tulis kat white board tu."

Ini semua membuat aku rasa terpanggil untuk kembali ke kampung walau kerja apa sekali pun. Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kehilangan ini memberi hidayah kepada aku. Talkin buat abah masih segar.

"Wahai Hj Badzri Bin Hajah Habsah...ketahuilah kamu bahawa mati itu benar, kiamat itu benar, Allah itu benar"

Kita yang hidup akan pergi juga. Lelaki berat tanggungjawabnya. Suami menanggung dosa isteri dan anak-anak. InsyaAllah selaku anak-anak kami telah dibekalkan ilmu agama. Cuma, aku kini telah lupa untuk mengamalkannya sejak mula bekerja setelah terlupa dgn nikmat Allah. Emak juga seorang yang solehah. Aku yakin Allah Maha Pengampun dan Maha Bijaksana dalam menentukan Al-Mizan.

Dahulu emak dan abah setiap waktu ke Masjid. Di rumah mereka sentiasa berdua. Tetapi sekarang ini, emak kata emak takut hendak ke masjid seorang diri. Takut hati tidak tenang teringatkan abah. Inilah perasaan aku sekarang.

Buat kalian yang masih ada emak dan ayah jadikan ini iktibar. Cium pipi ayah sebelum ciuman terakhir dan curahkan kasih sayang tanpa selindung. Tunjukkan kasih sayang anda.


The stories began when I got a sms from Cik Afiqah on Friday, asking me to stay overnight at her house. Then, bermulalah sesi pujuk memujuk mama. Mission accomplished dgn alasan2 yang btul2 munasabah. phew! Dalam 6 lebih, aku selimat tiba di teratak muttaqin. Time tu, sep2 ni memang sudah ada kat luar. Bajet2 nak sambut kedatanganku. hee. Lepas tu, sesi borak2 dengan fiq same yine till maghrib. After that, all the girls (een, fiq, ten, ani, yine and me) were busying preparing for the bbq. Boys pn x terkecuali. Bajet2 rajin semuanya. Haha. Nabil & Nazrey memang sangat hebat bila digandingkan bersama. Macam2 gaya, lagat dan cerita tak henti2 walau seminit. Fuhh, dah lama aku xgelak camtu. Pil cik kick tik auww~

Makan punyer makan, cerita punyer cerita, then, sama2 berkemas. Sekejap jer, tak rase cam berkemas pun. Inilah dinamakan konsep "Yang berat sama dipikul, yang ringan sama dijinjing" Cewass~ Lepas tu baru aku rasa nak makan. Bajet malu la kononnya. Haha. Btw, I received something in green paper bag that night, gee~~ Relax2 jap sambil tengok tv, SPA Q. Aku still ingat 1 ayat tu, " I x jealous tapi envy jer" hee. I like that phrase, kiuut~ Lepas tu, masuk bilik, ready2 nak tido. Ten & Een mengambil tempat atas katil. The rest're still gosipping. And as usual, when it comes to "the topics" ... Hahaha. Skip? Boring? OMG xD Then, sama2 ke dreamlands~ I really enjoyed that night. Words cannot describe it, thats all what i could say. Not forgotten, Million thanks to Mama kasmah yang merangkap ibu kepada Afiqah yang betul2 baex :)

soul brothers+ calculators

soul brothers+ calculators

*credit to faww*
Next day, BBQ at Perdana Resort. 6 girls in Kembara. Cik niniey pemandu berhemah yang diawasi oleh 5 orang pegawai JPJ yang berstatus L except een yang sudah berstatus P sehari yang lepas. Hee.

"Kawasan sekolah,tiga puluh, tiga puluh" "Eh2, brek2" xD

dan alhamdulillah kami selamat tiba di Perdana resort.Memandangkan kami sampai awal, kitaorang keluar ke PCB (Pantai Cahaya Bulan) Panas betul, snap 2 3 pics, terus balik.Selepas zohor, sesi bbq-ing bermula. Then, kitaorang ke PCB sekali lagi.Kali ni dah tak panas sangat dah. Bez wuu duk tepi pantai. I like~~

*credit to een*

After that, came back to Fiqah's home.What a tiring day but, a memorable one.Then, hantar cik niniey ke bus station. Beliau suda ingin balik ke perak. Akak datang dan terus balik. Home sweet home.
i like :)
*credit to ten*

The next and following day, i got fever and cold ><
Nota kaki: Thanks a lot my friends for cheering me up. Bff

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Outing again. Not even even a purpose actually; just to met Hani and others. As they're still at school, I went around alone.

First destination, KBTC. I went to giant and discovered so many things. Baby socks, baby dresses, prams, yadda yadda. Waa, so adorable. Just love them all.

Headed to McD. Having fun with Mcflurry while reading novel. Then, hani called and we went to Karisma.

There, gossip, gossip, gossip. xD Then, talk to Sis Marina, Nana and Yine. All of us just worried bout our future. Well, it's normal. =.=

Headed to McD again. Cheeseburger.

Met my sis and walked to Muhibah. This time, cake and pudding. Muahahaha :)

Btw, I'm totally in love with Adamaya. Adam is soo cute :). It's been ages I haven't watched any drama.

This Saturday, I'll go for picnic with KEX'10 pals. Looking forward for that. Yippie~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Everyone's going

Yep, everyone's going. A few of my friends will go for 3 month preparation before pursuing their studies to Mid East. (a few of them are already in Intec now) Just now, a friend of mine texted me and she said she's going to US, for engineering under PSD/jpa. Some will go to dq and any other institutions. Seems that everybody's leaving.

Btw, congratulation. We are so happy for yuuu~

Next 2 week, the result for UPU will come out. and the rest, have to wait till the middle of May to know =.=

Ok, till then..

p/s: I made trifle yesterday. (swiss roll, home made custard and mango jelly) Yummy. Thanks for t recipe, my friend :) I'll try another flavour next time.

Friday, April 16, 2010


15 April 2010. I got a new baby. Opps, i mean, a new nephew. Yippie. As I've nothing to do tonight, I googled and asked wiki about birth delivery.

Caesarean. Ok, what is caesarean? According to wiki, is surgical procedure in which incisions are made through a mother's abdomen and to deliver one or more babies. Honestly, after reading some risks and other effects, i feel very scared ><

It also can b perform upon request for childbirths. It's not only because of breech baby. Well, everything's tech today. There's other method of giving birth; naturally, water birth, others. There's also cases in which, one twin born vaginally and the other by caesarean section. waa~ I don't know really much bout this. and here some pics from wiki:

pulling the baby out


p/s: ibu, kaulah ratu hatiku, ngee

Monday, April 12, 2010

MARA Interview PILN 2010

See the title? I hope my blog will come out when people google it. Honestly, I'm so sick of googling and only a few comes out, especially for Mara interview, Teehee

Bangunan Mara, Jalan Sultan Zainal Abidin

Okay, where should I start? Erm, My interview was on 12th April ( the first day) at Bangunan Mara, Kuala Terengganu. This buiding is near to Istana Maziah and there's a beautiful garden in front of it. I arrived there at 10.20 am. My interview was scheduled at 12.00pm. A
s it was still early, we (my sis and I) went around KT, well just to get used to the roads. (we're not quite familiar with the roads there as we r Kelatenese) & 10 min later, we came back. LOL. FYI, I apply for medicine, non middle-east. So basically this post's about medicine.

In front of the buiding, you will see this. LOL

My sis left me there and I let her to go shopping. xD I went in n asked the staff. They (both r ladies) said that I have to wait till 11.45 am before I could register. Thus, I talked with the staff and ask this and that. She (one of the staff) said that there would be 3 panel and each panel consists of 2 interviewers. I asked her, "who're the interviewers?" but she said that " Akak pun tak pasti. Nanti boleh berkenalan la kat sana." =.=


1. Conduct your researches.

For Mara interview, the things that u should and MUST know are:

#1 Your education n career planning. These include the country you choose, the university, your
career and lotsa.
#2 Mara background ( eg: objectives, CEO, Ministry that handle Mara, and thename of Minister itself- u can obtain these information from their website)
#3 If you're applying for Egypt, you should know how to converse in Arabic, at least you know how to introduce yourself in Arabic. 

#4Some information and details about ur chosen country, especially if your applying for GMi, MFi and such.( as I mention in #1 before). Don't forget to remember the capital city of the country that u're applying for.
#5 Current issues 're not very important (for MARA) as it rarely being asked but i think, it's not a waste if u get ready for these.
#6 The name of Agong. As a loyal citizen, u must remember it, Teehee = Duli Yang Maha Mulia
Al-Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi
Billah Shah (for the time being)

2. Essay.
You need to write 300 words essay entitled Autobiography, education and career planning. Basically, about 3 paragraphs at least. At first, i did write an essay and surprisingly it exceeded to 3 pages. hehe. Maybe I'm so obsessed. xD Then I redo it. Actually, it is very much like personal statement that you'll need to write when you are applying for medical schools at overseas universities. So, you might want to goggled and refer some tips writing personal statement in doing ur essay. There're loads of website & blogs that offers guidelines on writing this. ie ucas.com

3. Psychology test
You need to answer lots of psychological questions; consist of Section A and B. Basically, it's just to know your consistency. You need to print "slip pengesahan menduduki ujian."

4. Attire
First impression is the last impression. Dress smartly and professionally. For girls, baju kurung is just nice. Don't need to heavy wear make-ups (U're not going to tackle the interviewer, right? LOL). Wearing a blazer is advisable. Make sure the blazer fits you perfectly (in case u borrow from someone else.) FYI, I'm the only one who wear blazer during the interview session (among female). For guys, I don't really know. shirt, trouser, tie, blazer and shoes. Make sure you polish your shoes. I'm pretty sure that all of you are better in this thingy :)

5. Your english and ways of speaking. My interview session was conducted fully in English. so, start from now, please brush up ur English (for those who're not fluent speakers.) The staff told me that the interviewer once asked a candidate (before my interview sessions), "Do you prefer this interview to be conducted in bahasa or english?" That candidate replied " Bahasa" Later, she was shot with "how come ... bla3" The lesson learnt here is, prefer your interview to be conducted in English.

Just get prepared and if possible, try u talk in matured manner. Eg:-

Even I cant prevent the death, but at least I do give the patients some sort of comfort before their last breath.

sounds more matured: As u know sir, Man proposes, God disposes. Even, I can't change the fate/destiny, but at least ....

6. Documents
Put the Original ones in clear folder. arrange them orderly and nicely. while the non ori (the one to be submitted), u should put them separately. some candidate do make them as scrap book and there're candidate who just clip and put them in envelope. It all depends on u. Just be creative.( I didn't know that, so I just put them all in envelope only ><) This 's my clear folder, that containing all the original certs :

clear folder. I just did as what I saw from a blog

first page of clear folder


1. Be early. Don't late. If u came late means u're killing yourself. Make sure you sleep early the night before your interview session.

2. Just relax. Don't panic and try to mingle with others. Ask them about this and that. Share your experiences or whatsoever. Well, it's just to make u feel better. And do smile a lot. It helps actually.

The place ( for my interview) is quite small, so there 're not so many candidates there. So, i just talked with a few of them and their moms t0o. I personally think that it's not nice to make you parent waiting for you. But, it depends. Well, just be friendly with everyone.

Anyway, moving on..

At 11.45 am, the staffs asked us to queue. There, they checked our documents. and I saw they put a tick at "melayu" on birth cert. Perhaps, to make sure that we're truly malay. xD. I'm in panel 2. And they asked to wait for a while, and then ushered us to a room (for panel 2 and 3). There, there are a staff, so called "kakak" . We were seated separately (left and right, depends on the panel) I talked with the other candidates and that kakak as well. She's so friendly and even gave us some tips. She also adviced for those who apply accountancy, actuarial science, they should know about current economic issues (KDK, MEB and such). One of the candidates was so panicked when hearing that. We calmed her down and later, that kakak told her briefly. I just joined and listen to the kakak. (Luckily, that kakak is in this field. If I was not mistaken, she's taking business management. FYI, she's doing her practical right now.) She also introduced the interviewers in Panel 2. Yeay!

Erm, There's also a candidate who jotted down all the common question and I saw her memorize. Waa~ I looked at the answers, and I was amazed. The answers was kinda brilliant!

Btw, I'm no 3. Two candidates before me, took approximately 10 min in the panel room. Then, it was my time. That kakak opened the door for me (and the other candidates as well) and i entered with "salaam" ( as they r muslims) I gave them my clear folder and documents, which will be submitted.

- Please sit
- Thx you *smile*
- She looked at my clear folder and asked "Is this your 1st interview?" and I replied "Yes"  and lotsa question was bang to me..

and after approximately 15 to 20 min , it ended. Huh. What a relief! Then, I continue talking with the other candidates and that kakak for another few minutes.

Some Qs that I got during the interview (not in particular order):

1. Tell us about ur background?
2. Which country do u like to study? why?
3. What specialization you choose to be?
3. Why not mid east?
4. Why u choose Mara, not the other scholarship?
5. What do you like to do in your spare time?
6. What if u don't get any offer for this course? (Don't tell them that u're going to change to another course. Show ur passion. At least tell them that u're going to matriculation and then will pursue your studies in medical field. It's just my two cents.)
7. Why there's still lack of doctors in M'sia even though each year we sent many students to
study medicine?
7. There's a lot of obstacles and challenges you need to face when studying abroad, do you think you are ready for that?
8. Is there any question? (Ask them at least a question to show your interest toward this scholarship)

Erm, I don't remember if there's any. But basically, they're all focusing on your education and career planning. I'll update it when i remember the other Qs. There's a guy took 25 min in the panel room. I thought, the interviewer must be very impressed with him.


All of these questions are from my seniors and friends from the interview session.
1. What's ur opinion about overseas students involved in politics? = senior in India
2. Who's the Agong? = senior at UK
3. What would you do if your patient die during operation? = senior in Egypt
4. Mara is under ministry of? Who's the minister? = a new friend
5. Introduce yourself in Arabic language. for those who apply medic in Mid East
6. Why you want to be a doctor/ engineer/ etc?
7. If they ask you, "what's specialization you choose to be?" They also may comes out with: "so, tell us about stroke" if u previously said that u're interested in neurology.

Sometimes, the interviewers did ask some random/unrelated Qs. It happens sometimes, who knows.
eg: Do you have a boyfriend? Do u know how to cook?


Go somewhere nice and relax. Don't ponder about the interview too much. Well, we have done as best as we could. Pray for the best. and not to mention, prepare for the worst. I went to the beach as it's quite near from MARA building.

and don't forget to send thank you letter to them. Well, as an appreciation for giving u an opportunity.


#1 Don't talk too fast. I did talk too fast and my english became $%^&8
#2 Be careful on what you talk as u 'll just make a fool of yourself.

#3 Don't worry, the interview is just simple and enjoyable. So, no need to be panic k :)

All in all, I sincerely hope that this post help for those who are gonna face MARA interview. And sorry for the language :p. Feel free to ask me any questions -formspring at the sidebar or simple leave ur qs in the comment box below. Geez.


P/s: I hope I can secure this scholarship (a convertable loan- to be precise). The result will come out one month from now, the interviewer did tell me, but i forgot the exact date. xD. If I'm not mistaken, 17th May. One more, there's no quota for each course. Mara would choose 1000 scholars from 2000++ who went for interview.
but my friends said, out of 5000. which one? Nvm

Sunday, April 11, 2010

D-1 version

Alhamdulillah, cert n other document dah settle.
But, I'm still confuse about copies(non-ori) of cert.
Do we need to put in clear folder t0o? so, is that mean, we need to have 2 clear folder? alahai.
For now, i just clip them (the non-ori ones) Nanti nak bagi kat dia jugak kan.
N toworrow will b the day. Wish me luck my friends and I'll try my BEST :)

p/s: malam ni nak tido awal. Dah xde da kul 3. Esk mlm boley kot, hee

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Being rejected? Frustrated? how to deal with rejection?

Just remember:
Everything happens for a reason. There's always signs, sometimes u don't see the sign in front of yours. Maybe later on, u'll see it. AND it's not the end of world. Embrace the future.

Learn and move on. Truthfully, the only way to get over rejection is to learn from the rejection and move on. Being rejected by someone or something is not the end of anything; it is the beginning of learning. We need to take the time and effort to work out for ourselves the reason or reasons we were rejected in the first place. This will give us the necessary information we need to overcome the rejection so we can move on.

And why I publish this? Well, it's just getting ready. Pray for the best, Prepare for the Worst!
Let's listen to Celine Dion.

Where it was dark now there's light
Where there was pain now there's joy
Where there was weakness, I found my strength..

p/s: i miss kak marina's advice on the last day of KEX..

PNB Scholarship Test 2010

PNB tower, just beside Tabung Haji.
As i said in my previous post, i would publish about my experience regarding PNB test. But, since my friend already wrote in detail, i guess it's no need. hehe.

Well, actually, the test is CRTB ( Critical Reasoning Test Battery) It sounds funny to me. xD. idk y it is called like that. The test is consisted of 3 part, which are:

1) Verbal Evaluation - It is an english test, we were given a few short paraghraph (about 6 to 7 lines) and there are 2 to 3 questions for each paragraph. There 're 20 questions and we needed to answer them in 20 minutes. It's quite daunting as the level of english is quite high and for sure, we need to understand the whole passage. It's quite similar to Comprehension 1119 or maybe EST (Im not taking EST, so idk how it looks like)

2) Interpreting Data - It's all about math. We need to understand figures, diagrams and charts and numbers.
They asked us to calculate the turnover profit, the capital growth, the average sales and lotsa. Don't worry, we're allowed to use calculator. It's quite difficult as my brain had frozen from doing math for about 4 month. har3. 18 questions in 20 minutes, so you have to calculate as fast as possible. Sometimes, they used the same figure/diagram but different question.

3) Diagrammatic Series - it is so called IQ test. My advice is you should try to answer lots of IQ test before going to sit for this test. U should ask Pak Cik Google and Mak Cik Yahoo. It is all in diagram (that y it's diagrammatic series). They give a combined shape and u have find another. Quite tricky, actually. 40 questions in 20 minutes, so don't spend t0o much time on a question.

Erm, all the questions are MCQ ( multiple choice question) consist of A , B and C basically, A-agree B- don't agree and C- need more information. If u can't answer it, thats mean u can "SHOOT" them. Bang ! Bang! or just use M16. Lol. Who know if u r lucky enough 2 get it right. xD. The test books are from UK and I heard that the IQ test for Petronas is quite the same as PNB. We were not allowed to make any sketch or scribble on that books.

and if u managed to get high score for this test, u might be shortlisted for interview. (The interview is Yes or No, which means it depends on the PNB management to conduct it or not)

In a lift to 36th level, i did ask a staff about the statistic of scholars. It's all depends but usually there's only less 30 candidates will be chosen from 300 applicant who went to the test. It is a tough competition but i think it is ok as PNB do send students to reputable universities like MIT, Yale, Oxford and Cambridge.
Good luck for future candidates.

Requirement to apply this scholarship
- 8As and 2A for GCE-O. But my friend did apply it even he got 3B, and he was shortlisted for the test. so, my advice is APPLY.
-courses : engineering, accountancy, actuarial science, maths and economy n lotsa.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bla bla

Im just came back from KL.
I went there yesterday n came back yesterday. Complete 12 hours. What a short trip! The only destination was Menara PNB. (and sogo, hehe) Experience ? erm, I'll talk bout that later. so, okep.
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