Wednesday, September 10, 2008


ten days 0f ramadhan al-mubarak had lasted yesterday..
ten days 0f rahmat.. huu..
keep w0ndering what i've d0ne in th0se days..
g0od deeds 0r vice versa?

our bel0ved PR0PHET SAW said; i can't c0mpletely remember the matan.
s0, i 'll just summarize it.

4 g0longan yg akn drndui 0leh syurga ( Al-jaNNah)~

♥basah lidahnya dgn al quran
mnjaga lidahnya (mgmpat, fitnah etc)
mberi mkn kpd 0rg yg lpar especially kpd org yg berpuasa
org yg bpuasa di bulan ramadhan (mnjaga puasanya)

thus, i h0pe all 0f us are included in that gr0ups.. ameen.. in this h0ly ramadhan, we ( me t0o) sh0uld n0t waste the g0lden app0rtunity (definitely) t0 perf0rm ibadah..
[reciting Quran, tarawih n s0mething]

10 student 0f 4SC1 absent t0day,, a slight impr0vement fr0m yesterday (13 student) the w0rst attendance 's 0n m0nday-25 student absent.. n i'm 0ne of them.. haha
8.15 am, we started our less0n with math.. skipped chp. 9. s0, now in chp. 10
(angle of elevati0n n depressi0n)
then, chem class.. v0ltaic cell.. d0ne! **w0rried** . i still cann0t grasp this t0pic. there's only 10% stick in my mind.. need 2 revise it 0ften..

after that,, nahu s0raf.. ask ustzh ab0ut mumtaz grading.. as YIK 0fficer said:
add all 0f the ten subject, divide it t0 ten ,, d0ne.. if y0u get 85++ or s0mething,
u'll get mumtaz..
but we're still n0t sure b0ut that..

after tarikh islam,, i started 2 d0 a pr0cess called "sleeping".. haha..
am i the laziest girl in 4 SC 1?? erk~


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