Every0ne's g0ing excited..Eid Ul-Fitr's just ar0und the c0rner, it's tomorrow..
We'll all t0gether chant Eid Takbir in celebrating the success of fulfill the Ramadhan's obligatory one-month fast.. h0ho!
As every year, car parks're fulled, trafic's
about bumper to bumper as pe0ple fl0ck out..
most of sh0pping c0mplexes c0ngest with pe0ple..
the last 0ppurtunity, perhaps!
s0me are eagerly waiting t0 balik kampung..
Kids start t0 think h0w much duit raya they'll get..
Teenagers start t0 play mercun n firecrackers..
yeah,, it's raya eve!!
it seems every0ne's busily preparing for the arrival..
Everyone becomes elated,, for sure..
s0me're busy buying new cl0thes, s0fas, curtains n much m0re.
Everything's new f0r s0me l0aded pe0ple, i supp0se..
keep w0ndering, why they're n0t buying a new h0use t0o?? *evil* LOL..
We (my family), as usual with a simple preparati0n..
truly a simple Eid Ul-Fitr thisyear.
kinda different this year..
Recently, we had spent a few days in h0spital..
get well s0on daddy!
Talking b0ut raya, there're many things that we c0uld never
miSs t0 have 0n that day.for instance, baju raya,
kuih raya, mercun n s0 on..
Talking about Baju Raya, i felt like writing bout mine.
Actually, it was my fault, wh0's t0o demanding.
frankly, my mom'd already bought me
cl0thes but i d0nt want it as it's n0t suit my taste..s0, i gave it t0 my
lil sis..h0w gener0us i am! LOL..
well, there's n0 acc0unting f0r taste, right? time flew
itself and i was t0o busy with my exam+class and i f0rgot bout it till it's too late.. G0d, h0w this c0uld happen t0 me!
s0, i asked my mom to buy it, "no matter how it'll
look, i accept it" .. that's my pr0mise t0 mummy..i'm just h0ping against h0pe that any tailor can still accept my cl0th even only
sepasang baju kurung.. i d0n' t care..
unf0rtunately, lady luck's n0t beside me.. thus, i
rep0se my fully trust t0 my sis t0 sew it.. thx dear sis~!!
last week, i bought a plain orange bl0use..
it's als0 for raya.. only a simple one..
frankly, i rarely wear blouse.. huh, d0n't mind!! [[^_^]]
s0, only g0t 3 baju raya this year..
my baju kurung's c0lour??why sh0uld i tell y0u? secret Lol, =p
now, my sis n i have to up the temp0 as we d0n't have much time.
we start t0 bake the c0okies, cakes n s0me other delicacies t0 be served on that special day.. we're als0 l0oking f0r new recipes n much m0re..
the tiring j0b is cleaning our h0me, as it's 11th h0ur j0b.
(but, sh0pping is m0re tiring than this, right?)..
kad raya?? i g0t tw0 kad raya this year!! haha..
i'm pr0ud 0f it, that's why i write b0ut it in my bl0g..
thx dear friend, syue! (syue is my tuiti0n-class friend) and my old-friend(!)
[sry c0z didn't reply ur card]