Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Every0ne's g0ing excited..Eid Ul-Fitr's just ar0und the c0rner, it's tomorrow..
We'll all t0gether chant Eid Takbir in celebrating the success of fulfill the Ramadhan's obligatory one-month fast.. h0ho!

As every year, car parks're fulled, trafic's
about bumper to bumper as pe0ple fl0ck out..
most of sh0pping c0mplexes c0ngest with pe0ple..
the last 0ppurtunity, perhaps!
s0me are eagerly waiting t0 balik kampung..
Kids start t0 think h0w much duit raya they'll get..
Teenagers start t0 play mercun n firecrackers..
yeah,, it's raya eve!!

it seems every0ne's busily preparing for the arrival..
Everyone becomes elated,, for sure..
s0me're busy buying new cl0thes, s0fas, curtains n much m0re.
Everything's new f0r s0me l0aded pe0ple, i supp0se..
keep w0ndering, why they're n0t buying a new h0use t0o?? *evil* LOL..

We (my family), as usual with a simple preparati0n..
truly a simple Eid Ul-Fitr thisyear.
kinda different this year..
Recently, we had spent a few days in h0spital..
get well s0on daddy!

Talking b0ut raya, there're many things that we c0uld never
miSs t0 have 0n that day.for instance, baju raya,
kuih raya, mercun n s0 on..

Talking about Baju Raya, i felt like writing bout mine.
Actually, it was my fault, wh0's t0o demanding.
frankly, my mom'd already bought me
cl0thes but i d0nt want it as it's n0t suit my taste..s0, i gave it t0 my
lil sis..h0w gener0us i am! LOL..
well, there's n0 acc0unting f0r taste, right? time flew
itself and i was t0o busy with my exam+class and i f0rgot bout it till it's too late.. G0d, h0w this c0uld happen t0 me!
s0, i asked my mom to buy it, "no matter how it'll
look, i accept it" .. that's my pr0mise t0 mummy..i'm just h0ping against h0pe that any tailor can still accept my cl0th even only
sepasang baju kurung.. i d0n' t care..
unf0rtunately, lady luck's n0t beside me.. thus, i
rep0se my fully trust t0 my sis t0 sew it.. thx dear sis~!!
last week, i bought a plain orange bl0use..
it's als0 for raya.. only a simple one..
frankly, i rarely wear blouse.. huh, d0n't mind!! [[^_^]]
s0, only g0t 3 baju raya this year..
my baju kurung's c0lour??why sh0uld i tell y0u? secret Lol, =p

now, my sis n i have to up the temp0 as we d0n't have much time.
we start t0 bake the c0okies, cakes n s0me other delicacies t0 be served on that special day.. we're als0 l0oking f0r new recipes n much m0re..
the tiring j0b is cleaning our h0me, as it's 11th h0ur j0b.
(but, sh0pping is m0re tiring than this, right?)..

kad raya?? i g0t tw0 kad raya this year!! haha..
i'm pr0ud 0f it, that's why i write b0ut it in my bl0g..
thx dear friend, syue! (syue is my tuiti0n-class friend) and my old-friend(!)
[sry c0z didn't reply ur card]


Thursday, September 25, 2008


i've been tagged by Miss nurEEn sed0W


Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

here they're

7 facts about the m0st remarkable vip? hehe

  • i'm a girl.. every0ne kn0ws right??ahakz.. t0 be h0nest,, i'm a shy girl. blushes 0f shyness always crept up my l0vely face.. s0metimes, i'll act crazily t0 c0ver it.. s0 lame , right? w0rkshy?? a bit..

  • i'm a fierce pers0n n scary t0o.. believe it 0r n0t???just ask the victims!! tp garang2 btmpat rr!!especially buaya aka p14yb0y..i can't c0mpletely stand with 'em.. to+ally menyampah.. tp caring ug0p bena.. ermm,, suker p0yo2 neyhs..blame yine +miss ek, sbb di0rg yg ajar!

  • sensi+ive! n0 matter,, i'll never let pe0ple see me crying.. except, t.e.r.d.e.s.a.k

  • against t0 3 w0rds: matured (aka tua), pimples, stupid! d0n't y0u dare say that t0 me!

  • luv milk.. especially dutchlady milk.. w0wo.. f0r sure, it d0esn't c0intain melamine!! y0gurt ustzh amat la bez.. Mcflurry+ ch0c chic eskem are my fav0urite.. yummy.. salad+ th0usand island pn bez!! n much m0re!

  • i'm n0t a shopah0lic. huu,, i love shopping but i'm still practising my sh0pping law! hoh0.. (beli bila perlu!) yeah,, b'belanjalah dgn bijak! haks

  • c0mplicated!!l0ve r0mantic scene,, haks.. but jiwang+em0 really scares me~

  • thats all the 7 facts b0ut me.. 7? nice number right?? hee..

    my next victims are:~

    1. bud0p tue.
    2. itu bud0p
    3. bud0p itulaa
    4. itulaa budop
    5. ini budop
    6. budop ini
    7. inilaa budop

    Tuesday, September 23, 2008


    quite depressed t0day..
    i g0t my huff again..
    someone told that i ***
    it was kinda opprobrium..
    yeaah,, "someone" meant it!!
    "someone" insulted me..
    and of course it was the same thing.
    same topic.. same issue..
    t0 be h0nest,, it hurts me a lot..
    am i a victim of that circumstance??
    well,, i'm n0t saying that i'm right.. but(?)
    it's better for me to do nothing..
    i'm tryin t0 become a placid pers0n..

    Sunday, September 14, 2008

    A bLurRY DAy?

    FYI, this p0st has been drafted f0r 3 days..

    hye there,,erm,, t0day's really a great ordeal t0 me..
    after sahur,, i prepared myself t0 sch0ol..w0re that yell0w unif0rm,,
    6.50 am,, i was ab0ut t0 go t0 sch0ol.. where's my spec? g0sh,, s0ught f0r it everywhere.. fr0m the c0mm0n to the unsupp0sed place..
    Dammit,, i can't find it.. s0, i set out t0 sch0ol..
    and 0f c0urse with0ut it; the m0st valuable thing, i supp0se..
    my face with0ut spec? huu,, a flaw c0mplexi0n,, f0r sure..

    entered the sch0ol,, i can't see pe0ple clearly ..
    everything is just blurnerd.. our first less0n was Muthalaah..
    Ustz wr0te s0mething 0n whiteboard.. i th0ught, being in fr0nt of the class gives a l0t of pr0s. but t0day.. it's really ***
    (d0n't need t0 write it, right?)
    i hardly tried t0 squint 0ver it.. but definitely, it was fruitless..

    every0ne started t0 ask me ab0ut my spec..
    "tik, where is ur spec??" g0sh,, i hardly t0ld them that it was missingconfused..
    g0t al-quran n nahu paper t0day!
    when ustzh yelled my name,, i st0od up n t0ok the paper! g0sh i g0t #? i felt dizzy.. it was me, wasn't? i wanna cry.. i felt a sudden pang, deep inside. then, "atikah,, y0u'd taken s0me0ne paper" I screwed up my courage n quickly glanced n squint at the name.. g0d, it wasn't me!! huh,, such a *** m0ment..
    (d0n't kn0w what w0rd sh0uld be put there,, haha)
    h0wever,, i still didn't get high mark!

    1.25pm, went 2 ubkk r0om t0 perf0rm s0lah jamaah, t0gether with adnin n munirah.. after then, headed t0 Parkway.. acc0mpany my friend. i didn't buy anything! JIMATT~!! huu

    2.05 pm,, the event started.. there's 10 0f our seni0rs, i supp0se.. (n0 need t0 menti0n their name right?) they're med students fr0m j0rdan n m0stly fr0m mesir.. namely Cair0 uni, Al-Mansurah n Uni..
    g0t s0mething beneficial t0day;indeed
    b0ut sc0larship, uni life n much m0re..
    f0r instance,mara n jpa didn't sp0ns0r students t0 al-azhar..
    why? IDK (please d0n't ask me k)..huu
    al-azhar als0 d0esn't have MOU..
    s0,, it'll make a tr0ubles0me t0 pe0ple wh0 cann0t grasp arabic language..
    but,, we can learn n learn.. yeah~!!
    examinati0n system at JUST: using MCQ.. w0wo.. i luv MCQ..
    every0ne l0ves it, th0ugh..haha..
    i d0n't want t0 write all here.. as it may take time!

    ok,till then,, wassalam~!!

    Thursday, September 11, 2008


    h0ho,, t0day, i came t0 sch0ol as usual,, a bit late seyh..
    7.50 am,, hehe,, entered my l0vely class, i can't see any0ne..
    "msti th0bur niess" i whispered t0 myself..
    t0gether with syatun n hazirah,, we walked t0 medan th0bur..
    h0ho.. then, saw 0ur hands0me PK Malek standing there.. he gave us sort 0f advices.. and 0f c0urse as h0t as chillies.. w0o0o.. PEDASS! just a sh0rt th0bur..

    8.30 am, came back t0 class.. i can't see any Calculat0rS. g0sh, they played truant again! (npe xoyt, nk join skali,, hehe)
    but, i didn't regret ab0ut .. as i learnt many thingS t0day!!
    the best subjects t0day are math n physics! abs0lutely! ho0~

    anyway,, y0u all kinda made a tr0ubles0me t0 me..
    as i have t0 write all 0f ur name in attendance b0ok.. (abes dkwat pen, w0o)
    frankly, i d0n't mind it at all.. kidding~

    thus, there're s0me vital news that i need t0 tell y0u all.. here they are..
    g0t b0th BM paper t0day,, s0 guys,, nk mrkh d0p? text me k.
    this m0nday,, we have t0 go t0 putik.. g0t t0 attend a m0tivati0n fr0m DR. Shukri Abdullah. fr0m 8.00 am - 5.00 pm. every0ne must g0- c0mpuls0ry~ bring kain smbhyg n other things that u need. but, d0n't bring f0od k! isk3
    please bring kain smbhyg everyday! f0r s0lah jamaah.. we'll perf0rm Z0hor prayer in mus0lla mumtaz: it'll start this m0nday.. f0r sunday still in Msjid aspuri..
    this sunday, there will be kinda a talk 0n guidelines t0 further study t0 MIddle East, interviews and s0mething. 2.00pm- 4.00 pm..
    Eid h0lidays start fr0m 25th Sept.
    byr buku bi0 ek! Miss Ida started t0 ask n ask me b0ut that. Muth0laah t0o..

    thats all,, i supp0se.. actually, i write these as i d0n't want t0 text y0u all( abes kdt ler,, jimat2). this is the best n preventive way, i supp0se.. haha

    my bel0ved nephew's h0me!! miiRull..

    Wednesday, September 10, 2008


    ten days 0f ramadhan al-mubarak had lasted yesterday..
    ten days 0f rahmat.. huu..
    keep w0ndering what i've d0ne in th0se days..
    g0od deeds 0r vice versa?

    our bel0ved PR0PHET SAW said; i can't c0mpletely remember the matan.
    s0, i 'll just summarize it.

    4 g0longan yg akn drndui 0leh syurga ( Al-jaNNah)~

    ♥basah lidahnya dgn al quran
    mnjaga lidahnya (mgmpat, fitnah etc)
    mberi mkn kpd 0rg yg lpar especially kpd org yg berpuasa
    org yg bpuasa di bulan ramadhan (mnjaga puasanya)

    thus, i h0pe all 0f us are included in that gr0ups.. ameen.. in this h0ly ramadhan, we ( me t0o) sh0uld n0t waste the g0lden app0rtunity (definitely) t0 perf0rm ibadah..
    [reciting Quran, tarawih n s0mething]

    10 student 0f 4SC1 absent t0day,, a slight impr0vement fr0m yesterday (13 student) the w0rst attendance 's 0n m0nday-25 student absent.. n i'm 0ne of them.. haha
    8.15 am, we started our less0n with math.. skipped chp. 9. s0, now in chp. 10
    (angle of elevati0n n depressi0n)
    then, chem class.. v0ltaic cell.. d0ne! **w0rried** . i still cann0t grasp this t0pic. there's only 10% stick in my mind.. need 2 revise it 0ften..

    after that,, nahu s0raf.. ask ustzh ab0ut mumtaz grading.. as YIK 0fficer said:
    add all 0f the ten subject, divide it t0 ten ,, d0ne.. if y0u get 85++ or s0mething,
    u'll get mumtaz..
    but we're still n0t sure b0ut that..

    after tarikh islam,, i started 2 d0 a pr0cess called "sleeping".. haha..
    am i the laziest girl in 4 SC 1?? erk~

    Monday, September 8, 2008


    t0day, we, the calculat0rs did a crime,, (?)
    we didn't g0 sch0ol t0day n 4 sure we're n0t playing truant.. (huu)
    it's h0liday actually,, a day t0 rest after struggling 4 the exam, i supp0se
    ( wlu xstruggle mn0 pn) ..
    9.15 am, headed t0 ten's h0me..
    h0o,, then sk0deng s0me0ne's pr0file,, huu
    then, went t0 fiq's h0use.. just beside ten's h0use..
    waa,, ku nmpk kucem tua yg gem0ok itu.. daSsyatt,, y0 p0s0 ug0pps..

    11.00 am,, we walked as ayu as p0sibble (haks) t0 bus st0p (xd0p bus st0p pn bena)..
    me? pink in c0l0ur, ten+nab; red, ain; purple+ handbag (haks), yine; g0ld, fiq; blue n ani; blueblack

    "straight ckit ag umah ckgu *** , bel0k kiri nie umah jiran ke 41. (huu) umah putih 2 umah brhantu.." she babbled all t0 me..
    me? just n0dded..enthusiascally?? n0t really..

    waited f0r the bus.. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes..
    30 minutes later.. yeahs,, bus uda datang!
    pak cik bas 2 lucu bangat seyh.. sp0rting molepp,, haks.. tgelak2 dbuatnya..

    dish0rtkan cite,,
    1.30 pm,, we're g0ing h0me.. perf0rmed s0lah n rested 4 a m0ment..
    3.00 pm,, p ambik kakak bucuk!
    st0pped at kbmall,, b0ught 3 r0otbear pitcher .. (sedang minum skrg,, yummy) huu.. als0 b0ught SHOPAHOLIC AND BaBY! RM 32.00. started t0 keen 0n sh0pah0lic series since last year..
    Luke Brand0n n Becky Bl0omw0od, the perfect c0uple, i supp0se.. g0t a baby..
    7.16 pm,, waaa!! time t0 break 0ur fast..

    10.30 pm, walked h0me fr0m m0sque.. n n0w, i'm writing this.. hehe..
    thats all..

    p/s: t0morr0w, 09/09/08- nice date.. happy bUfday AfiQah~..

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