There is nothing much today in the hospital as the teams (the consultant, registrar, SHO and intern) were not in the hospital. They were in other hospital. Well, thats the difference between Malaysia and here. Doctors here work in a few hospitals. (as far as I know) Anyway, my partner and I then decided to go to library and we go through some case example of rheumatology and later we presented to each other. Here you go, ankylosing spondylitis, rhematoid arthritis and psoriasis. I saw a few patients with those diseases last week in the clinic and tried to relate with the case studies. Later, we went for tutorial and take history of patient in A & E.
There is nothing much today but I feel relieved. Less stress. (selalu rasa bodoh kat hospital) Hahaha
After that, we headed to Brookfield for lecture. I am so fascinated with the lecture today on Patient Safety . A few quotes and take home message:
You need knowledge, you need skills, but You also need compassion
Acknowledge error and allow learning to occur
To err is human, to cover up is unforgivable but to fail to learn is inexcusable.
Ok thats all for now.