Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Alhamdulillah, I'm finally 18.
Another year has come and gone
The sands of time keep trickling away.

Instead of counting candles
and tallying the years,
this birthday reminisces
some special people in my live;
who love me and take care of me
and also enriched my life,
and always be there for me in time I need.
thinking of past, passing years cant never mar
all the memories we shared together..

I love all of you

Birthday's also a time for reflection
about life and future direction
I've been here today because of the past
and yet the unforeseeable future depends on what I'm today
hopefully, I'll be a better person
for each single second and minute.

since today's 1 Muharram,
I wish all of you
(God willing) another great year,
May Allah bless all of us. amin

this is just a piece of heartfelt words of mine
I obviously no good in writing or saying something,
and I guess, that's it.


Im so thankful to be able to breath in every single second and
to live in this world. Alhamdulillah for all your outpouring love.
O Allah, please don't leave me alone bcause I'm afraid for not having you with me.

P/s: New year with new wishlist. Moga diperkenankan olehNYA


Iskandar said...

Happy belated birthday. Good to know that I hv a junior following my 'isolated' blog. Nway, all the best in IB!!!

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