Monday, June 16, 2008


h0w's my day??
it was a bit nightmare,, huh
erk,, n0,,
take that back,, it's c0mpletely nightmare,,
it's reality,,

it's my day n my life,,
l0ts pf pr0bs,,
i really need s0me0ne,,
t0 talk t0,, t0 share the pr0bs
s0me0ne wh0 can make me f0rget that melanch0lic mem0ry,,

and can make me laugh as well
but why n0 0ne can understand me??
or i make myself like that,,
hard 2 understand,, huu
even my bez fren,,
t0day,, we arguing
n0t a big matter actually,,
feeling bad this week,,
my headache g0t w0rst
mayb,, i'm thinking t0o much
w0rrying bout my daddy,, i h0pe he'll get better s0on,, insyaAllah
i really l0ve my daddy,, n my mum t0o..
n the m0st dissap0inted thing's the mid- year exam result,, huh
bad n bad n bad,,
i g0t a few c's,, huu
i'm embarrassed
n scared
i really2 scared,,
feel like i'm in f0reign place
in a dark 0ne,,
i always said that i'm a t0ugh girl,,
but i'm n0t like that anym0re,,
atikah's is n0t a t0ugh girl [[hav 2 agree that]]

at sch0ol,, i've t0 pretend 0f everything..
pretending 2 smile,, pretending 2 be happy
fake life~!!

but i kn0w,,
i have n i sh0uld calm d0wn,, be patient n relax
n i knew..
ujian nt0k diriku yg lemah ini

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. "
- Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286



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